Guide — Tommy Bowman

Are you ready for the 2021, back to church, fall season?


What Leaders Have To Say About Tommy:

In two days, Tommy was able to do what we as a ministry could not do in 11 years: Bring together a cohesive vision spectrum that has both empowered and unified our team. Tommy was able to do this because he is an expert facilitator. He is able to guide the organization to clarity, while allowing them to be the voice of their vision and truly own the result. In 20 years, I am confident that we will look back at the time we spent with Tommy as the turning point of our ministry!
— Michael Swalley | President | Break Free Ministries
Tommy’s first hand experience leading other church plants and his top-notch strategic thinking abilities not only put us in a position to launch a new church well but has helped us thrive throughout our first year. Tommy’s coaching has been exceptional and invaluable.
— Kevin Sampson | Renewal Church | West Chicago, IL
Our non-profit didn’t know how to get from an idea to a clear and compelling vision until we met with Tommy. Thanks to Tommy’s coaching, strategic advice and incredible tools we now have a compelling vision, a 5 year plan, real goals, and a strategy for how we will tackle our big vision.
— Hannah Gronowski | Generation Distinct | Chicago, IL
Tommy helped my team take a muddled, general vision and direction and turn it into a beautiful image, dripping with clarity, which memorably communicated where we heard God say to lead our people.
— Dustin Pearce | Stonegate Fellowship | Midland, TX

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